一股連我也不知道是什麼的滋味 | A flavour even I don't know








— Kelly

A flavour even I don’t know

A flavour — even I don’t know what it is — unfolds from the inside outwards.

The reason I noticed the stall was because everyone else seemed eager to ignore it. The old man selling grass jelly tea smiled at passersby. His smile seemed a little awkward.

I pulled my mum straight towards the stall. “Just one cup!”

The old man hesitated before giving me the tea. Having sold these outdated things for so long, he seemed to barely register their existence.

I took a sip of this tea that nobody wanted. It was bitter!

“Is it good?” asked my mum hesitantly.

“Let’s buy a bottle to take home!”

The old man burst into a smile. I took another sip.

— Kelly

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