故事 | Stories

滋養台南 | Nourishing Tainan

Pork Braised Rice

Pork Braised Rice

Thinking of home

一股連我也不知道是什麼的滋味 | A flavour even I don't know

一股連我也不知道是什麼的滋味 | A flavour even I don't know

A bitter treat

Down the Generations

Down the Generations

Passing knowledge of cooking from father to son

In a Foreign Land

In a Foreign Land

Away from home, learning how to cook

Taiwanese Kimchi

Taiwanese Kimchi

Kimchi - a treasured possession



Memories of childhood, and tomato-fried egg

不想破壞驚喜|Not Wanting to Spoil the Surprise

不想破壞驚喜|Not Wanting to Spoil the Surprise

By the Houjia roundabout

蘿蔔 | Radish

蘿蔔 | Radish

In praise of the radish

我媽媽的越南菜 | My Mother's Vietnamese Food

我媽媽的越南菜 | My Mother's Vietnamese Food
