Welcome to Nourishing Tainan!

Hello, 大家好 and ta̍k-ke hó!

It’s a Friday morning, and we’re starting to feel very excited about our residency starting next Wednesday. There’s a lot to do before then (we need to make some more plans, we need to buy a teapot, we need to read some more), but by Wednesday, we’ll be installed in the Nanning Literature House (南寧文學·家), ready to explore the food, stories and everyday-life philosophy of Tainan.

Our project is called Nourishing Tainan, or 滋養台南. We are fascinated by the relationship between how human beings think, how they organise themselves collectively, the stories they tell, and how they eat. And because Tainan is Taiwan’s food capital, we’re going to be spending ten days eating, thinking and writing — as well as inviting members of the public to share stories of their own.

This is going to be a multilingual project. If you have stories to share in English, in Mandarin / 國語, in Hakka 客語, in Taiwanese aboriginal languages, in Indonesian, in French… we want to hear them!

Image: painting of fruit by 丁輔之. Public domain via Wikimedia Commons.

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