
When my clan was still intact, my grandpa was still alive, my dad and uncle had not yet broken up their affection, my family always had a big meal on Chinese New Year. This feast was the one I most looked forward to every year.

Dumplings are the food which best represent home. Dumplings are a dish that everyone in the family learned how to cook: my grandma, dad, mom, my elder brother and sister, and me.

It was my elder brother who taught me to cook dumplings, when my clan was still intact.

— Josh

Image: 炸醬肉絲麵, 紅油抄手, 牛肉蛋花湯, 水餃, 小北方餃子館, 信維市場, 台北, 台灣, Taipei, Taiwan. Public domain via Wikimedia Commons. CC BY-SA 4.0

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