聯絡我們 | Contact

聯絡我們 | Contact

我們想聽你們的故事!| We want to hear your stories!

食物 | 故事 | 日常生活的哲學 || Food | Stories | Daily-life philosophy


  • 你吃過最美味的一餐是什麼?
  • 有什麼食物讓你想起家鄉?
  • 是誰教你做飯的?
  • 您是否因為美食而墜入愛河?




We want to hear your stories!

  • What is the best meal you have ever eaten?
  • What food makes you think of home?
  • Who taught you to cook?
  • Have you ever fallen in love because of food?

Fill in the form — in any language — and share your story. But we challenge you to keep it short: no more than 100 words (or 150 characters in Chinese).

We’ll publish some of our favourite stories on the website.

If you want to get in touch, you can just use the form to say hello!